since 1570
Villa Panichi
Villa Panichi
since 1570
Where is Villa Panichi?
GPS coordinates
Latitude: 43º21'11.65"N
Longitude: 11º56'0.93"E
How to get there?
BY FLIGTH (main aiports)
80km 50' Firenze International Airport
160km 1h45' Pisa International Airport
170km 1h50' Roma International Airport
2km 4' Castiglion Fiorentino rail station
trains from Firenze or Roma
16km 10' Highway A1 exit Monte San Savino
Distances and travelling times by car
2 km 4' Castiglion Fiorentino (shops, railway station
from Florence or Rome, postal office, bus,
historic center, pubs, restaurants, pharmacy)
15 km 20' Cortona
16 km 10' Highway A1
18 km 25' Arezzo
24 km 30' Trasimeno lake
45 km 50' Pienza
46 km 50' Rapolano Terme
60 km 45' Perugia
60 km 45' Siena
65 km 50' Chianciano Terme
80 km 50' Firenze
90 km 1h10' Assisi
160 km 1h45' Pisa
170 km 1h 50' Versilia
175 km 1h 50' Roma